The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Installation Procedure for Full Bible Version
Hardware Requirements
- IBM XT, AT or compatible computer
- at least 256K memory
- hard disk drive C: (or another drive)
- 8 megabytes for AV
- 10 megabytes for Combined AV-NIV Version of Bible
- 2 megabytes for Greek Versions
- 4 megabytes for Spanish Version
Software Requirements
- almost any current version of MS-DOS or PC-DOS works
- DOS 1.00 to 2.10 do NOT work
- DOS 2.11 to DOS 4.01 do work
- (DOS 4.00 is NOT supported; it is too buggy.)
- DRDOS 3.41 or later should also work
- programme MAY run on earlier versions of DRDOS
but DRDOS is NOT 100% compatible with DOS,
so some things may not work
- DOS BOX under OS/2 version 1.1 & 1.2
- enter VER at DOS prompt if you don't know what version you have
- some DOS 4.01 versions are updated with a patch and show
a version of 4.00 even though it is version 4.01
Media Requirements
- disk package should include:
- an INSTALLATION DISK to install ALL modules
- a TEXT module for each Bible version
- AV = Authorised Version text with Strong's #'s (7 disks)
- AV-NIV = Combined AV and NIV (10 disks)
- AV-RSV = Combined AV and RSV (10 disks)
- Greek Majority Text & Stephen's Text (3 disks)
- RVA Spanish Version (5 disks)
- CROSS REFERENCE module (2 disks)
- an OPTIONAL module for the Greek and Hebrew LEXICONS (4 disks)
-lexicons work with AV, AV-NIV, and AV-RSV text only
- if you have 720k disks, about half the number of disks are needed.
Time Requirements
- installation takes about this long for the full AV
- 30 minutes, 4.77 MHZ 8088 (XT)
- 20 minutes, 6.00 MHZ 286 (AT)
- 15 minutes, 25.0 MHZ 386 (AT class)
Installation is Easy
1) verify you have the correct hardware, software and media
3) if you have a version 3.03 or earlier installed,
a) delete everything EXCEPT your notes directories
b) create directory on hard drive used to install Online Bible
e.g. md c:\bible
c) for each note directory, copy as follows
md c:\bible\notes.000
copy c:\notes.000 c:\bible\notes.000
del c:\notes.000
md c:\bible\notes.300
copy c:\notes.300 c:\bible\notes.300
del c:\notes.300
d) the installation marks your notes so the verse display
shows which verses have notes.
e) if you are unsure about how to do this, get a friend to help.
4) make the floppy drive which contains the installation
disk your default drive, (i.e. set DOS prompt to A: or B:)
5) enter GO from A: or B: DOS prompt to install the programme
DO NOT COPY DISKS ONTO HARD DRIVE - install from A: or B: drive
6) reboot system after installation is complete
7) use the mini-menu, MM to start the programme.
Directory Structure After Installation
Version 4 and later uses the following directory structure.
ROOT -----.
BIBLE - contains all common PROGRAMME files for the Bible
|--- AV - TEXT data files for AV, NIV, etc.
|--- NOTES.000 - 11 note directorys for all versions
|--- NOTES.300 - last notes directory
|--- TOPICS.000 - 11 topic directorys for all versions
|--- TOPICS.300 - last topic directory
|--- CXREF - optional Cross References Directory
|--- GREEK.000 - Greek lexicon directory for Strong's 1 - 2999
|--- GREEK.030 - Greek lexicon directory for 3000 - 5624
|--- HEBREW.000 - Hebrew lexicon directory for 1 - 2999
|--- HEBREW.030 - Hebrew lexicon directory for 3000 - 5999
.--- HEBREW.060 - Hebrew lexicon directory for 6000 - 8674
- see appendix C if you want to rearrange this directory structure
Network Installation
- on a NOVEL or other network make sure the LASTDRIVE parameter
is correctly set in CONFIG.SYS to match the highest drive letter
used by the network.
1) Data errors reading disks
- almost always caused by irregular spots ("dropouts") on disks,
but occasionally by actual disk damage (from a magnet, etc.),
and very rarely by dirty or poorly aligned read/write heads
- specify "Retry" to the DOS "Data error reading drive.." message
- Retry at least 50 times before giving up (this USUALLY works).
certain utilities such as PC Tools Compress (Surface) may work
- try on someone else's system
- if it works, COPY (don't DISKCOPY) the files to a better disk,
clean your drive heads and try again
- if it fails, reorder replacement disks from supplier
2) installation fails or mysteriously aborts
- you are likely running some sort of menu system that
has caused the installation to fail
- if you are running DOS 4.00 upgrade to DOS 4.01
or some other release. DOS 4.00 is so buggy it is hopeless.
- boot system from your original DOS disk
- retry installation
- if it fails, call for help
3) VIRUS infection detected
- the installation disk must have the following files
go.bat, bible.901, view.com, install.exe,
install.901, read.me, sharewar.doc
- if these are altered, CRT displays VIRUS infection message
and stops the installation.
- this means the disk has been altered or is damaged.
- get replacement from distributors.
4) CRC errors during installation
- disks altered by distributors or damaged
- get replacements from distributors
5) installation ok, but programme aborts with "Undefined File(4)" message
- update CONFIG.SYS to specify 20 files
- see DOS manual for details
6) all displays for programme are in black and white
- read the manual.doc to see how to set the colours
- if you have corrupted disks, get replacements from the one
you got them from
- if you get stuck
- if you are still stuck, ask friend for help who knows about DOS
- if you are still stuck, call your distributor
- if he is stumped, write or call Larry Pierce for help and include your
phone number with area code so we may call you. ((519) 664-2266)
TWO important rules...
1. Press "RETRY" up to 50 times if you
get a "DATA ERROR" while installing.
Sometimes opening and closing the drive
latch and reinserting the disk fixes the
2. If INSTALL fails mysterously, redo
elminating ANY programme, device,
menu, shell, RAM disk or file manager
from memory. ONLY DOS in memory. Its
BEST to REBOOT from A: Drive using
original DOS system disk.
Create a DOS system disk with command:
format a:/s
Special Limited Time Offer
Order a laser copy of our manual from us for only $5 (includes shipping).
Manual layed out on standard size paper for easy reproduction. Manual may be
freely copied. Send personal cheque or money order to.
Larry Pierce
R.R. 2
West Montrose, Ont
N0B 2V0